GANG ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM Halloween Family VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk/Stroll Event in Los Angeles, CA - Donate | ITS YOUR RACE

GANG ALTERNATIVES PROGRAM Halloween Family VIRTUAL 5K Run/Walk/Stroll Event

Los Angeles, CA


Harbor Area Gang Alternatives Program


A portion of your race registration is a donation to the Harbor Area Gang Alternatives Program. You can also make an additional donation here.

The Gang Alternatives Program’s (GAP) is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization founded in 1986. Our vision is to prevent young people from joining gangs, and our mission is to eliminate a base of gang membership by having a generation of young people say “no” to gangs, and “yes” to positive lifestyle choices.GAP serves economically challenged, violent, and marginalized areas of Los Angeles City and County. Its nationally and internationally recognized and honored programs are founded on sound, evidence-based, independently evaluated, practices. GAP’s educational emphasis implements both the Public Health and Social-Ecological Model, based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) proven framework for prevention GAP’s approach to gang culture and gang violence are at the leading edge of primary gang prevention innovation

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